Residents 3000 are pleased to invite you to our next Forum 3000 event, which will be held at the Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street) on Thursday, 3rd August 2023, at 6:00pm.
The annual Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey 2023 was circulated from 31st March to 7th May 2023.
Finally the results are out, and Dale Huntington, Inspector, Melbourne East Local Area Commander (Melbourne East & Southbank) has kindly offered to present those results to our community at our next Forum 3000 event.
If you live, work, or socialise in Victoria, you had your say about your safety concerns, preferences when engaging with police, and experiences of dealing with the police in your community, and had answered the sentiment survey.
Just to give you a hint, Victorian residents have told the Police their top five safety concerns:
- Safety in public places
- Safety of my property and possessions
- Road safety
- Drugs and alcohol
- Cybercrime or online safety
- Safety in public places
- Drugs and alcohol
- Safety of my property and possessions
- Road safety
- Family violence
We also invited Wayne Gatt, Chief Executive Officer of The Police Association Victoria for a Q&A session with the public on how the community can better engage and support the police to oversee the current safety issues in our neighbourhood.
The registration table opens at 6:00pm, the guest presentations start at 6:30pm.
Finger food will be served at the event. Drinks available from the Kelvin Club bar.
The details of the event are:
DATE: Thursday, 3rd August 2023
TIME: 6:00pm for 6:30pm start
VENUE: Kelvin Club, 14-20 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street), Melbourne 3000
The event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $30 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!
Membership of $30 per person is for the financial year and will cover through to the end of June next year.