City noise – how to solve …
Susan Saunders | 22nd January, 2025
The city buzzes with life. It is noisy but it is an active, alive noise. It is people doing things. Travelling on trams, digging up the road, constructing a building, cleaning the streets, paramedics rushing to a medical emergency, fire trucks keeping our city safe …
Reviving Hosier Lane – a new chapter for Hosier INC
Robyn Bunting | 22nd January, 2025
Since its 2013 inception, Hosier INC has been synonymous with the vibrancy and artistic soul of Hosier Lane.
As an association dedicated to fostering creativity, community, and collaboration, we have been privileged to support this iconic Melbourne space – a canvas for street art, a magnet for cultural exchange, and a landmark loved by locals and visitors alike.
As Hosier INC embarks on this exciting new chapter, we invite you to be part of it. Whether you are an artist with a vision, a neighbour with ideas, or a visitor who wants to support our mission, there is a place for you in this journey.
Homelessness is a crisis beyond Hosier Lane
29 November 2024 – Melanie Raymond
Homelessness is not confined to the streets of Hosier Lane. It is a nationwide crisis affecting our cities, suburbs, rural and regional areas.
No part of Australia has been untouched by the rising tide of poverty, domestic violence and mental illness – the three leading causes of homelessness today. In Melbourne’s CBD, whether in Hosier Lane or elsewhere, people experiencing homelessness have nowhere else to turn, as housing options have dwindled to a mere handful of very short-term solutions.
The Victorian government’s, “Big Social Housing Build,” is far too little and too late. Only about 10 per cent of the public housing that we need has been promised and is years away from delivery.
Residents fight for improved air quality at Southern Cross
27 November 2024
For many city dwellers, their apartment’s balcony is a place where they can sit back and soak up the bustle of the city. However, for Paul Smitz this is not the case.
Paul, like many other residents at 620 Collins Street, refuses to spend time on his balcony due to the stench of diesel fumes drifting up from the neighbouring Southern Cross railway station. Paul created a petition calling on the Victorian government to address the air pollution issues within the station.
CBD property market still strong despite challenges
20th November, 2024
Melbourne CBD’s property market has been performing well over the past year, however the types of properties that are selling reflect a shift in the demographics looking to buy.
According to Melbourne Boutique Property director Kim Davey, the CBD has its own challenges, but sales are still strong throughout the city. There has also been an increase in empty nesters looking to move into the CBD who tend to prefer the heritage buildings.
Similar trends can be seen in the city’s rental market, with select property types outperforming others. There are students who are looking to rent close to their university, as well as people who are looking to move into the CBD and want to try before they buy.
Cr Camillo wants Melbourne to be most liveable city again
20 November 2024 – David Allen
Restoring Melbourne as the world’s most liveable city, boosting tourism, and improving city amenities and basic council service delivery will be priorities for newly elected City of Melbourne councillor Rafael Camillo.
The long time CBD resident told CBD News he was “happy” and “surprised” to be elected, and he looked forward to working to represent the views of the city’s residents and businesses.
Hosier Lane is ugly, dangerous and depraved
20 November 2024 – Adrian Doyle
Imagine being a primary school teacher with a group of Grade Four students, exploring Australia’s number one Instagram spot, Hosier Lane, the best free tourist attraction in Australia as voted by Lonely Planet.
Then a run-down, filth covered, semi-naked, large, bearded man announces, “it’s time for you to move on, we’re about to get high”.
Let’s restore it to its former glory, let’s make it beautiful, vibrant and most of all, safe, safe for tourists, artists, and the businesses that operate there, let’s make it safe for everyone, because right now – it’s none of those things.
City safety, security and amenity
20 November 2024 – Susan Saunders
On Thursday, November 7 at Residents 3000’s monthly forum the City of Melbourne’s city safety, security and amenity director, Dean Robertson, provided some statistics updating the group on the status of this important aspect of Melbourne’s community and economic health.
The recent Melbourne City Council elections brought out the community’s real concern about city safety and amenity. If the city is to be a great city again it needs to sell itself as a wonderful place to visit, a place to build innovative businesses, to create earth-shattering art and cultural events, and to be an exciting place to learn and engage.
Rafael Camillo has been elected as a councillor for the City of Melbourne, and was sworn in on 19 November 2024. For the time being, he will continue to serve as the President of Residents 3000. As a community group of volunteers, we are delighted to have Rafael communicate the views and aspirations of our members through his new role on the Melbourne City Council.
When the residents met the candidates
October 23rd, 2024 – Susan Saunders
Thursday October 3 saw the Residents 3000 group meet the candidates for the position of Lord Mayor. There were eleven candidates. Russel Howcroft, our compère and moderator for the evening, asked just five questions.
The format of the meeting gave the candidates the opportunity to express their hopes and aspirations for the City of Melbourne. In many areas there was alignment but often the topic revolved around how to implement the ideas and what were the barriers. Often it was funding or difficulty in bringing state or national government on board to support new ideas.
CBD Residents 3000 AGM was a lively event
September 25th, 2024 – Susan Saunders
Thursday, September 5 saw Melbourne’s Residents 3000 group hold its annual general meeting (AGM) at the Kelvin Club on Melbourne Place.
The President’s Report was circulated to all members prior to the meeting. Rafael Camillo confirmed that the organisation remains committed to advocating issues that matter to members and supporters with the aim of contributing to residents’ wellbeing and quality of life in the CBD.
Focus during the year was on seven important issues for residents:
- Homelessness
- Medical help for those sleeping rough
- Increasing police presence in the CBD
- Keeping the freeze on late night liquor licences
- Ban commercial e-scooters
- Working directly with police to increase safety in the city
- Continue to work closely with City of Melbourne to clarify and inform policies
Residents 3000 has developed an excellent rapport with Victoria Police who now provide a policing status update at each of our monthly meetings.
Safety is a recurring theme in many of the neighbourhoods and is associated with other priorities including cleanliness, better roads and paths, sense of community, support for people experiencing homelessness, and the need for better and greener open spaces.
Nick Reece reveals plan to make Melbourne the “Garden City”
September 23, 2024
As one of the centrepieces of the Team Reece campaign, the Garden City Initiative will deliver a new park or green space to nearly every neighbourhood in the City of Melbourne.
“Nearly every area of Melbourne will receive at least one new park or green space under this initiative – making our city an even better and greener place to live.”
Looking after your mental health
August 21st, 2024 – Susan Saunders
Stress, anxiety, depression, unwillingness to interact socially and lack of physical activity. These symptoms may indicate that your mental health needs some tender, loving care.
Although mental health in human beings is an extremely complex area and it is not something that we tend to discuss with others, a few simple techniques and attention to your general body health can keep your mind health in tip top condition.
The right to protest
City of Melbourne bans share hire e-scooters from the CBD
The City of Melbourne has walked back on its contracts with e-scooter share hire providers Lime and Neuron, citing community safety concerns.
Protests spoil residents’ weekends. Where to draw the line?
Residents expect many disruptions when living in the CBD but sometimes there is a need to call on our civic leaders and legislators to find ways to restore the balance.
One of the speakers told the audience that the Melbourne CBD is the heart of the State of Victoria. If the pulse of city is healthy, then the rest of the State follows. Decisions being made today about lifestyle policies in the city have wide implications elsewhere.

Minister for Planning ignores heritage council to approve Shell House plans
Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny has exercised call-in powers to greenlight the redevelopment of the iconic Shell House despite opposition from the Heritage Council of Victoria and the City of Melbourne.
Litter, waste and overflowing bins – why is it so important?
In April 2024, Residents 3000’s monthly forum investigated the issue of litter, waste, and recycling in the city. There are still some issues to be addressed.
The City of Melbourne, police and residents all agreed that they wanted the city to be a safe, clean and shiny place to be. A city needs to attract visitors, entrepreneurs, students, workers, and residents to keep its economy working and growing. Bad visual hygiene is not going to achieve that end.
$1.7b Queen Vic Market tower proposal referred for federal heritage review
A federal heritage review is under way for a controversial $1.7 billion development to transform the southern site of Queen Victoria Market.
Friends of the Queen Victoria Market president Mary-Lou Howie said, “The City of Melbourne is betraying the people of Melbourne by trading the livelihoods of Vic Market traders and the survival of our nationally significant market for a huge development.”
Petition to protect Queen Victoria Market from becoming an “entertainment / hospitality precinct”
A petition has been launched calling for the City of Melbourne to protect Queen Victoria Market amid concerns that the market’s heritage and authenticity are at risk due to the renewal project.
The petition, created by Friends of the Queen Victoria Market, highlights the importance of preserving the 140-year-old market as a historic and iconic landmark.
Misguided metropolis: Melbourne’s misstep with Queen Victoria Market
As Melbourne embarks on a controversial $1.7 billion development, concerns mount over the impact on its beloved market and urban fabric.
A petition has been launched to urge a reconsideration of the project to ensure that it aligns more closely with the needs and values of Melbourne’s residents and heritage. To participate in preserving the integrity and vibrancy of the Queen Victoria Market, please sign and share the petition.
Fight to save lives continues as community reacts with mixed emotions to injection room scrap
22nd May, 2024
Community members have expressed disappointment over the state government’s decision to reject a supervised drug injection room in the CBD while others, including traders, say it has been met with relief.
The proposal, which would have provided a safe and monitored drug injecting centre, was scrapped by the government after conceding it was “unable to identify a suitable site that balances the needs of people who use drugs with the needs of the broader CBD community”.
Here come the peds!
“Peds” – remember the signs? “Give Way to Peds” equals pedestrians.
At a recent Residents 3000 meeting introducing the City of Melbourne’s CEO Alison Leighton, one of the questioners caught my interest. She told the story of stepping out onto the sidewalk from her apartment front door, then started to walk down the street but had to quickly step backwards to avoid a scooter driver zooming past, but in doing so, was clipped in the back by an Uber driver’s bike.
State government scraps plans for safe injecting room in CBD
The state government has rejected a proposal for a supervised injecting room in the CBD, instead announcing plans for a new community health hub in Flinders St.
In a statement released on April 23, the government cited an inability to find a suitable site that balanced the needs of both drug users and the community.
The decision comes after the government released a long-delayed report by former police commissioner Ken Lay, which had been kept confidential until now.
Residents unhappy about “unsightly” palm trees proposed for Exhibition St
CBD locals have expressed concern about a palm tree variety that has been chosen for planting along Exhibition St within the theatre precinct, saying it was inappropriate and out of place for the area.
Sally Capp bows out as Lord Mayor on her terms
Sally Capp, the Lord Mayor who brought a new lease of life, energy, and dynamism to the role at a time when it was needed more than ever, ended weeks of speculation on March 28, announcing she would be resigning come the end of June.
She said she was confident that it, along with renewing the Queen Victoria Market precinct, homelessness housing initiative Make Room, and the Power Melbourne battery scheme – projects she listed among her personal highlights – would “flourish” without her.

Residents Forum 3000 welcomes City of Melbourne CEO
March 20th, 2024 – Susan Saunders
The City of Melbourne’s relatively new CEO Alison Leighton joined residents to report on the city’s health and give us some insight into what to expect in months to come.
Questions from the audience clearly illustrated residents’ current most pressing issues:
- Can the footpath be policed to ensure it is for pedestrians and not scooters;
- Planning policy to be enforced more rigidly to ensure preservation of heritage structures and community amenity through open, well-vegetated spaces;
- Rates and taxes: support for keeping the council budget under control;
- No injecting rooms or drug consumption centre in the CBD.
Overall, residents enjoyed the presentation and were grateful to be able to meet and get to know the people who make things happen in the city.
“Chainsaw massacre”: residents condemn Queen Victoria Market tree removal
March 20th, 2024
Residents are up in arms over early works that have begun to remove a large roundabout with trees next to Queen Victoria Market as part of a plan to “unlock” a proposed $1.7 billion high-rise tower development.
Friends of Queen Victoria president Mary-Lou Howie, who has vehemently opposed the plans, said, “this is an Alice in Wonderland scenario where the planning authority is referring the matter to the organisation proposing the development”.
“People’s panel” proposes higher tax on vacant properties
A randomly selected group of everyday Melburnians has come together to recommend ways the City of Melbourne can address the “severe shortage” of affordable housing.
More police on the beat: traders call for action at Elizabeth St trouble spot
Frustrated traders have made an impassioned plea for police to address concerns of unruly behaviour and the prevalence of rough sleepers at the southern end of Elizabeth St.
The secret lives of worms
Does your building have worms? No, this is not some uncomfortable affliction, it is to do with “saving the planet”. It is all about recycling your building’s day-to-day leftover vegetable matter.
The Hero Apartments at the corner of Russell and Little Collins streets, have a thriving worm farm in their car park. In fact, I am told that it is the biggest worm farm in the CBD. If your building does not have one, then it should!

Council convenes key groups to help fix southern end of Elizabeth St
The Lord Mayor has said that a “targeted approach” was required to make a problematic area near Flinders Street Station “safer and more welcoming”.
The City of Melbourne has brought together Victorian Government, Police and other key representatives to find solutions to growing safety issues at the southern end of Elizabeth St.
Heritage Victoria gives green light to $1.7bn QVM redevelopment
A controversial plan to build three high-rise towers and a public square at the southern site of Queen Victoria Market (QVM) has won the backing of Heritage Victoria, drawing the ire of opponents.
The city most liveable
Let’s take a philosophical view of life in the city. It does not matter where you live, there will also be the good and the bad. In the Melbourne CBD, this article looks at both, making some suggestions for improvement.
Petition launched to give owners more powers against short-stays
Victorian Liberal MP Georgie Crozier has endorsed a petition led by a group of inner-city residents calling on tougher laws on short-stay accommodation to be introduced by the state government.
City of Melbourne considers new year “back to work” campaign
The City of Melbourne will look at launching a “back to work” campaign in the new year in a bid to reinvigorate the CBD’s daytime economy, which continues to struggle post-pandemic.
Live longer, healthier
Residents 3000’s “Forum 3000” in October was about health and wellbeing – a popular topic in our online media. The theme of the recent event was to discuss the difference between “lifespan” and “health-span”.
The changing state of Melbourne’s rental market
With the New Year comes a time of reflection for rental providers (landlords). Should they hold on to their asset? Should they sell it? Should they change agencies?
Works begin on 50 new apartments for rough sleepers
The renewal of a vacant Little Bourke St building as part of the “Make Room” project has begun.
More police to hit the beat, with e-scooter riders put on notice for festive season
New Victoria Police recruits will be deployed in the CBD and a road safety operation will soon target e-scooters riders among measures to enhance safety and security.
Traffic “mayhem” at Queen Victoria Market causes angst as council seeks extension to permit
Road traffic woes stemming from renewal works to Queen Victoria Market may drag out further after the City of Melbourne requested to extend a five-year Heritage Victoria permit for various projects.
Circular thinking for the built environment
“Circularity” is defined as the shift from the wasteful “take-make-consume-discard” common practice to a “cradle-to-cradle” mindset.
Such thinking can transform our environment by recognising the intrinsic value of materials throughout their life-cycle, and consciously reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling the existing.
What practical steps can a community take to encourage the “circularity” mindset?
Let’s ensure the products we choose to build with are healthy for all species throughout time and are kept in circulation as long as possible.
Council frozen out by government on liquor changes
Calls for clarification on new late-night venue rules, and what it could mean for CBD residents, are being ignored by the state government.
e-scooter trial extended over summer
Inner-city Melbourne’s electric scooter trial will be extended over summer as the state government holds off on any decision in whether to make it a permanent rollout in the transportation network.
Lively AGM delights CBD residents
Where do you find people gathering to enjoy an AGM?
Thursday, 31 August saw Residents 3000 hold their AGM at The Kelvin Club – an AGM featuring the Lord Mayor, Sally Capp AO; singer “Piano Man” Alfredo Malabello; and 76 members and supporters.
The Lord Mayor opened with an update on the state of the city, followed by the formal AGM with appointment of a new 14-strong committee and office bearers. Rafael Camillo who was re-appointed as president gave a detailed and informative recap on activities over the past 12 months.
Housing crisis prompts council action on short-stays
September 20th, 2023
The City of Melbourne is the latest Victorian local council looking at doing what it can to mitigate the growing number of short-stay apartments in its municipality in a bid to open the market to more long-term renters in the city.
Forty randomly selected locals to make up “people’s panel” on affordable housing
September 20th, 2023
The City of Melbourne says “now is the time” to create an Australian-first community panel on the complex issue of affordable housing.
City mourns after Bourke St tragedy as traders hope to see visitors return
September 20th, 2023
CBD traders say striking a balance that allows for enhanced security while maintaining a lively atmosphere will be crucial to the city’s resilience after a Bourke St tragedy claimed the life of a man.
Mirvac wins Treasury Square project as locals left out of consultation
September 20th, 2023
Property developer Mirvac has reportedly been awarded a contract to develop a contentious site known as Treasury Square at the CBD’s edge.
We are humans, we don’t minimise harm by creating harm to others
August 23rd, 2023 – Rafael Camillo
Communities are living organisms that are interconnected and where wellbeing must be considered holistically for successful outcomes. Nowhere is this more evident than in the heart of the city where everything has a greater intensity, vibrancy, and dynamism.
The Bourke Hill Precinct Association has asked the Residents 3000 group to share its petition, please feel free to have your say. Sign the petition at change.org/NoToInjectingRoom.
Council lays down models for more laneway greening in the CBD
Following the success of pilot greening projects in four CBD laneways since 2017, the City of Melbourne has officially endorsed three models, which it says will help see more laneways go green in our city.
Locals, stakeholders endorse CBD end of Greenline, less convinced about Docklands side
23rd August, 2023
Hundreds of residents and stakeholders have strongly endorsed designs for the eastern “city” end of the City of Melbourne’s flagship Greenline project but have expressed less certainty about the western “Docklands” side.
The council has already committed $97 million to the $300 million Greenline project, however a proposed three-way equal funding model (of $100 million each) partnering with the state and federal governments has, to date, yielded just $20 million from the Commonwealth while the Victorian Government was yet to commit any funding.
Those surveyed were more positive about Greenline designs at the city end (left, at Birrarung Marr) compared to the Docklands end (right, at North Wharf).
“Make Room” homelessness housing project a step closer despite objections
Plans for 50 studio apartments to house rough sleepers in a six-storey Little Bourke St building are progressing.
Celebrating “The voice of postcode 3000”
July 26th, 2023 – Rafael Camillo
“I still remember when our immediate past president John Dall’Amico and I used to take a trolley full of the latest edition of CBD News, and we would visit local businesses all around town asking them to allow us to have the paper distributed every month, from coffee shops, convenience stores and even newsagents.”
“That was done in our free time on the weekends or lunch hours, all to support and create a strong voice for our local community.”
“And, today here we are at the 100th edition! What a milestone for the team at Hyperlocal News, for Sean Car and Shane Scanlan (in memoriam), and for our CBD community too.”
“From the first article, Unleash the CBD hounds (Issue 1, August 2014), Residents 3000 was already actively participating in CBD News, followed by a series of safety related articles published during the course of the following year, written together with the team at CBD News.”
“The first of our monthly columns, Solar power in the city (Issue 17, February 2016) was written by Dr Sue Saunders, our past vice president. Sue explained what was done at Hero Apartments residential building in relation to the installation of solar panels in order to reduce costs and improve the environment.”
Salvos in mix for CBD injecting room as Lord Mayor says government delays “highly damaging”
Lord Mayor Sally Capp says “ongoing conjecture” about where a safe injecting facility will be located in the CBD was taking a toll, as locals surrounding the Salvation Army headquarters speak out against a “ludicrous” proposal.
To support the Bourke Hill Association’s campaign against a safe injecting facility at the Salvation Army building, you can add your name to the petition at change.org/NoToInjectingRoom.
July 26, 2023 – Katherine McPherson
Guildford Lane must be one of the most photographed lanes in the CBD these days. Being photogenic was not the aim. But for a core group of residents, creating a green haven was the necessary response to the towers engulfing us.
Since the laneway greening began in 2015 (prior to the launch of the City of Melbourne’s pilot program) the nearly forgotten industrial lane has come to life. The lane is now described by some as “quintessentially Melbourne”.
Marvellous Melbourne Mornings
The city is a different place first thing in the morning.
Urban nests – families on high rises
Élodie reminisces as we chat about her arrival in the Hoddle Grid a decade ago. Back then, the way Melbourne felt like a city without being a “big city” made her feel at home.
Residents support our city but feel ignored
More than 70 locals attended a forum hosted by CBD residents’ group Residents 3000 on May 11, as local MPs and leaders from the City of Melbourne participated in discussions surrounding the state government’s decision to end the freeze on 1am liquor licensing.
Favourite corners in our CBD
As a resident in the CBD, there is so much to love and there are wall-to-wall cultural and sporting events.
Residents let down by airport rail delay
A recent announcement by the Victorian Government that the long-awaited fast rail link to Melbourne Airport would no longer meet its mooted 2029 completion date has left many in the community frustrated, and none more so than central city residents.
Keeping CBD locals up to speed on city planning
Each year a Forum 3000 event hosts an official presentation from the City of Melbourne.
“Sounding board for the city”: Presidents of Residents forum providing valuable counsel to council
Established during COVID-19 to collate feedback from well-connected locals, the “Presidents of Residents” forum is now a permanent part of decision-making at Town Hall.
The issue of liquor licensing in our CBD
In 2008 the state government introduced restrictions on the granting of 3am liquor licences to new venues unless it was of economic or cultural importance to the state and a Ministerial exemption was granted.
Embracing a new year in the CBD
Residents 3000 is looking to 2023 with a focus on “living in the CBD”.
City safety
In August, a Safety Summit was convened by the City of Melbourne in response to calls by Residents 3000 and EastEnders to look at the areas of concerns being expressed by members of our resident groups.
Green your balcony this holiday season …
Looking to transform your balcony into a greener and lusher space over summer?
The City of Melbourne is encouraging residents to volunteer as wildlife garden guides to help preserve the city’s biodiversity and protect habitat in community, school, home, and rooftop gardens.
CBD resident Katherine McPherson has been volunteering since 2018 and said the learning experience as well as the connections she had made with the council and her neighbours had been invaluable.
““I really wanted to start introducing native plants into Guildford Lane to support the small birds, the butterflies, the insects that were starting to emerge naturally. People walk up to the lane and say this feels like a community,” she said. “
“It just brings such joy – I didn’t really know anything about plants when I first started, especially indigenous plants, so it’s been great learning.”
CBD safety and injecting room on agenda ahead of Victorian Election
October 26th, 2022
Candidates vying for the seat of Melbourne in the upcoming Victorian State Election spoke with CBD residents in October about a number of key local and wider issues.
It’s time to reinstate third-party rights
On the March 5, 2022, in his address to the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said, “if you want to keep the CBD vibrant, then we need to have more people living in the CBD”.
Residents 3000 – an AGM and 30 years to celebrate
The recent Forum 3000 on September 1 was the community group’s AGM and 30-year birthday; a time for recapping the year’s successes and welcoming Lord Mayor Sally Capp.
Homelessness and public safety key issues at safety summit
A much-anticipated safety summit has been staged bringing together the City of Melbourne, Victoria Police, residents’ groups, and stakeholders to address various issues facing the city.
Our city’s waste and recycling services, an AGM, and 30 years to celebrate
The recent Forum 3000 on August 4 saw a lively discussion about city waste management – a topic that concerns us all.
Are you bothered by noise?
You live in the city? It can be a noisy place, but there are ways to cope.
Safety summit set to be staged after community voices calls to “find solutions”
A community safety summit set to be held later this year will aim to bring together stakeholders and residents’ groups to address neighbourhood safety concerns.
Deliberative democracy – a way of engaging the community
I would like to offer a tangible way that citizens can be involved in deliberating on issues that are difficult to resolve.
New deadline on missing Elizabeth St plan
June 22nd, 2022
Forgotten plans to pedestrianise large parts of Elizabeth St will be back on the agenda by early 2023 at the latest, after City of Melbourne councillors pushed officers for an update on the project.
Explaining active citizenship: responsibility, participation and change
The Victorian state election will be held in November 2022 after the recent Australian federal election and the Melbourne City Council election is scheduled for October 2024.
Plans to transform Elizabeth St in limbo
May 25th, 2022
Three years after the City of Melbourne endorsed plans to pedestrianise large parts of Elizabeth St, the project is now up in the air with zero funding allocated in the latest budget.
Aiming for a cleaner well-presented city
The City of Melbourne is asking people to report graffiti and waste by scanning the QR code on bins. This is an excellent idea but more needs to be done to help bring the city up to standard.
Residents being heard …
How a city grows, what kind of place it becomes and whether it is prosperous depends on a small group of decision-makers, each of whom have different agendas and mandates. How do residents fit into the process of shaping our city’s development?
Calls for a summit as “residents ignored in election priorities”
March 23rd, 2022
The leaders of the CBD’s two residents’ groups have criticised the City of Melbourne for failing to include city-dwellers in its 2022 election priorities to the state and federal governments, calling for a more “deliberative decision-making process.”
Calls for summit as spate of assaults has residents concerned
CBD residents have raised the alarm after a recent spate of assaults in the city heightened concerns about community safety.
“An enormous safety problem”: CBD locals meet with council CEO
March 23rd, 2022
In an open address to Residents 3000 last month, the City of Melbourne’s CEO Justin Hanney threw the challenge to locals to “come up with great ideas and initiatives” for the city, as he dealt with a number of contentious issues affecting the CBD.
Residents express concern as more bike lanes imminent
CBD residents have expressed safety and congestion concerns as the City of Melbourne pushes ahead with creating more cycling lanes throughout the Hoddle Grid.
Integrating four-legged city dwellers into the CBD – where is the space?
For the more than 3700 dogs registered with the City of Melbourne (COM) in February 2021, the lack of readily accessible, safe open spaces for city doggies to play, remains an unresolved issue.
New to living in Melbourne’s CBD?
You have come to live in the city recently expecting to engage in a vibrant, inner-city lifestyle only to find relatively quiet streets and lightly occupied venues, all due to the re-emergence of the pandemic.
Community weighs in on future of CBD living
January 27th, 2022
The first phase of community engagement for the future of Melbourne’s CBD is now complete, with the City of Melbourne (CoM) now considering feedback on how it can make the city an even better place live. But community leaders say there is still a long list of challenges that need to be addressed to improve liveability.
New campaign to lure residents into the CBD
November 24th, 2021
Rafael Camillo, president of Residents 3000, said Participate 3000 was a “great initiative” which allowed locals to have their say on the important issues like safety, waste, graffiti, street cleaning and planning/urban design.
An end of year OC Committee health check-up
It unfortunately doesn’t take many chats with other CBD owners before you realise the unique challenges of being on an owners’ corporation committee (OCC) in the city. A range of upcoming changes to the Owners Corporation Act 2006 (OC Act) have improved how OCCs will be able to operate. Yet what makes a good OCC isn’t just the law but the people in and around it.
Coping with the pandemic: From distress to de-stress
Melbourne has been in lockdown more than any other city in the world so far during the COVID-19 pandemic – 267 days by the time major restrictions were lifted after 70 per cent of Victorians aged 16 years and over were fully vaccinated on October 22.
Zero emissions vehicles
September 23rd, 2021 – Susan Saunders
Have you noticed that the air is clearer with less vehicle movements under COVID lockdown? Right now, we are experiencing a little of what it would be like if a high percentage of vehicles had zero emissions.
Somewhere over the rainbow …
City residents tired of lockdown need to look ahead. Spring is on its way and with it, the thought of winning the COVID battle – one day soon.
Healthy life in the CBD
How do people keep healthy and fit when they reside in Melbourne’s CBD or near surrounds?
Making Melbourne child-friendlier
When north-sider Deanne and her south-sider partner made peace by moving into their CBD loft-conversion, raising a child in an apartment among the alleyways hadn’t yet crossed their mind
Walking the path to a better neighbourhood
Walking. It was one of the simplest and most joyful pleasures that many of us enjoyed during even the hardest moments of lockdown.
Narrow approach comes back to bite government
May 27th, 2021
The Victorian government’s eggs were firmly in one basket for the state’s second injecting facility in the CBD. But now that has failed, it has created a mess it might have avoided from the outset.
How building community can help revitalise our CBD
2022 will be the 30th anniversary of Postcode 3000, the 1992 planning policy that successfully brought population and, therefore, vibrant life back to a dying Melbourne city centre.

Neighbourhood Marketplace
If you’re a resident or business in the city and are interested in engaging with your local community, then the Neighbourhood Marketplace is an event you don’t want to miss.
Trying out the council’s new bike lanes
Back in July 2020, the City of Melbourne approved an accelerated budget to fast-track delivery of more safe bike lanes in the CBD.
Market reaches out to residents
Queen Victoria Market’s CEO Stan Liacos and strategy development manager Heidi Wearne met virtually with CBD resident group East Enders as part of the market’s increasing effort to engage with the local community post-COVID.
Playground for doggies
Off-leash areas, badly-needed in parks within the CBD, could have a dual role.
“Bitter disappointment” over Treasury Square deal
The Treasury Square Gardens deal that will see developers build residential and office towers on prime public land has locals up in arms.
2021 here we come! How well do you know your city?
Residents joining together to share city delights while walking, jogging and “plogging”. Did you discover secrets that lie beyond the impressive skyline?
Residents to the rescue!
In last month’s CBD News, readers were reminded of the Postcode 3000 campaign. Did you know that in the same year, 1992, our community group, Residents 3000 Inc. was born?
Will online dominate retail after COVID-19?
You have heard the expression “I need some retail therapy.” Right now, approaching the end of lockdown, is that how you feel?
Biggest candidate forum yet tunes in for election debate
October 28th, 2020
Residents3000 and East Enders hosted their biggest ever meeting on October 1 – a Lord Mayoral meet-the-candidates forum.
Renewal – why the city will bounce back
It is spring. A young pair of swans lay an egg. They have built a nest amongst the reeds of the river. They take turns to sit on that one, precious egg. And they sit. And sit. And sit. Patiently waiting for renewal.
Residents assess their year
September 23rd, 2020
Residents3000 held its annual general meeting (AGM) on September 3 with a meeting over Zoom where Lord Mayor Sally Capp addressed residents as guest speaker.
Activating community participation in the City of Melbourne
The recently legislated Local Government Act 2020 requires councils to adhere to the principles of community engagement and adopt “deliberative engagement practices”.
Brightening up our city
My childhood was spent (centuries ago), on a property in the far west of Victoria without television.
Living food boxes for those in need
If this pandemic is teaching us anything, it is demonstrating the importance of relationships – to each other, to place and neighbour, and to food and plants.
Locals turn on pub plans
May 28th, 2020
CBD residents have turned on plans to transform the site of a run-down Bourke St building into an almost 1000-patron late-night venue.
Resident groups claim they were “misled” by developer O’Brien Group’s plans to turn the 1840s-built Job Warehouse building and two adjoining lots into a large-scale hotel, and rejected the company’s claims of having earned their support.
“The importance of Melbourne getting this right”
May 28th, 2020
The pending sale of a 1.4-hectare vacant site along the Flinders St rail corridor has divided the community over what is considered one of the CBD’s most strategically important parcels of land.
When the going gets tough …
City residents get going. The online world is buzzing in the time of COVID-19 as humans do what they do well. Innovate. Collaborate.
In the time of COVID-19 ….
If the restrictions go on for a long time, will our way of living change?
Resident groups adjust to changes
CBD locals can still engage with their neighbours during COVID-19 restrictions, with Residents 3000 moving its regular interactions online.
What did Rafael say to Sally?
Residents 3000 president Rafael Camillo was recently invited to have morning coffee with the Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp.
Elizabeth Street Pedestrian priority
Plans for the busy southern end of Elizabeth St have been released by the City of Melbourne, including a basketball court-sized increase in space for pedestrians.
The designs signal the first step of a wider effort to pedestrianise several parts of the street, which the council has called a “primary pedestrian thoroughfare” in the CBD.
The air we breathe
The catastrophic fires this summer brought days of high air pollution to Melbourne and a heightened awareness of the effects of climate change. How are CBD residents to respond?
Melbourne City Baths
On a cool Spring day, I’m standing at the side of the pool scanning the water and I get a feeling of contentment that I can’t remember having in any of my many former jobs.
How does your garden grow?
The importance of urban plant life on your wellbeing and that of the planet may surprise you.
Do city kids deserve better?
A beautiful tree-covered playground in Birrarung Marr has fallen into disrepair. Once a well-designed facility had become tired and un-loved.
New homelessness deal on the table
September 25th, 2019
The City of Melbourne is close to securing a deal from the state government as part of a new approach to homelessness, according to comments made by the Lord Mayor.
Writing from China
This month your correspondent is travelling as a tourist in China. It is impossible not to draw comparisons between how the Chinese organise their society compared to ours.
Augmenting your reality in Flinders Quarter
Just in case you didn’t know, the Flinders Quarter in Melbourne’s CBD, is the area bordered by Collins, Flinders, Elizabeth and Swanston streets.

Meet the Lord Mayor
Lord Mayor Sally Capp made back-to-back appearances at CBD resident group meetings in September.
City gardens, trees and street trees
The City of Melbourne has developed several well thought out policies to progressively ensure our city becomes greener. But can there be a better way to improve the fate of street trees?
How to keep healthy in the city
People talk about the air pollution, the noise and the stress associated with the hustle and bustle of city life. But is this necessarily bad for your health?
Residents “shut out” from planning
CBD residents are largely unheard in council planning matters and deserve a greater say in the city’s direction, a leading voice on citizen juries has said.
2026 Vision for the CBD – How are we doing?
Google “Future Melbourne” and you will find information about City of Melbourne’s vision for 2026 created in 2016.
Residents connect with local business
April 24th, 2019
Residents 3000’s moto is to ‘Connect, Inform and Support’ members and guests with their community.
The last regular monthly event was turned into a marketplace where residents were able to connect with
some City of Melbourne (CoM) agencies and Melbourne’s wonderful small businesses that contribute a
special something to life in the city.
Another side of homelessness
The complex issue of what to do to relieve homelessness in the city is high on Residents 3000 members’ list of concerns.
“Watch this space” on panel
March 27th, 2019
Lord Mayor Sally Capp’s heavily-spruiked residents’ panel is suffering a long and protracted labour and, if born, may resemble an entirely different child.
How to reduce our use of plastic bags
A simple internet search will bring up countless articles on the detrimental impact of plastic bags on the environment. Here are some tips to help relieve the problem.
City life has surprising upsides
Here is what Chris Murphy has to say about his relocation to the city. (Chris is a new Residents 3000 committee member.)
Love makes the world go around!
On Saturday, November 17 at 6pm, Rafael Camillo (our President) and Adam Velcek were married.
No butts about it … It’s Litter!
CBD residents are sick of their streets and lanes being treated as a giant ashtray and they want smokers and businesses educated or prosecuted.
AGM with a difference
Residents 3000 welcomed Sally Capp, Mayor of the City of Melbourne to its AGM followed by a serenading accordionist and refreshments.
Lord Mayor tackles the late-night garbage trucks
October 2nd, 2018
Lord Mayor Sally Capp has told CBD residents she is working on a solution to the convoys of garbage trucks which rampage through the city each night.
Support for residents’ panel
October 1st, 2018
Local residents could soon be given a louder voice if Lord Mayor Sally Capp is successful in establishing a “residents’ panel”.
Thank you John …
October 1st, 2018
After five years at the helm, John Dall’Amico has resigned as president and from the committee of Residents 3000.
Tigers and the cheese
Last year Tigers fans witnessed the cutting of the famous Big Bell Cheese at the Queen Victoria Market on the morning after its grand final win. What about this year?
Pollies in the spotlight
CBD residents last month heard first-hand what their parliamentary representatives have so far achieved and what their future priorities were.
An upbeat view on city life
July 26th, 2018
On meeting John Dall’Amico at the Kelvin Club, one thing becomes immediately clear when chatting in the club’s cosy surrounds; he’s very involved.
Boss Baby, Octo Pram in Melbourne
Hiding among the corporate CBD high-rise you can find amazing places.
Balcombe Laneway no longer sad
When walking down Little Collins St recently I was surprised to note that the formerly messy lane, full of overflowing large bins and crates strewn about, was clear and open.
Why do you choose to live in the CBD?
What is it that makes people reject a leafy suburb or an area close into the city like Southbank, East Melbourne, Docklands or North Melbourne?
Laneways are not all green
There are some beautiful laneways in the city of Melbourne.
Candidates face CBD residents
April 26th, 2018
Thanks to Residents 3000’s “meet the candidates” forum on April 5, locals got a good idea about which lord mayoral candidates have an understanding and appreciation of CBD issues.
Keeping fit in the CBD
You live in Melbourne’s CBD? The pre-conception is that your environment, with all the hustle and bustle and compact living could not possibly be healthy, compared to your suburban or country cousins. Is this so?
Non-Australian citizens CAN VOTE
What a great opportunity for advancing democracy in the CBD!
Electric vehicles in the CBD – are you ready?
What should older buildings do about electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities?
A greener, more liveable Melbourne?
Giving more voice to residents and clear responsibilities to developers.
Behind the scenes – building safety
As a CBD resident, how aware are you of your building manager’s responsibilities to keep your building safe and secure?
Cities need to be a big part of the solution
More than half the world’s population live in cities. The United Nations estimates that five billion people will be living in cities by 2030.
How does your city grow? Can you visualise it?
Remember scrolling through monthly building approvals lists? Seeing a sign on the street about a new development and wondering why you didn’t know about it? Those days are gone.
Owners’ corporations are not boring …
You live in a high-rise apartment. You think someone else looks after the property – wrong.
Darling! There is a SMS from your bin …
There is not enough space to store the bins. How we can work smarter to solve the problem?
For love of the trees …
Trees make our CBD a beautiful place to live. How can residents show their love?
A different look at homelessness
May 7th, 2017
Community group Residents 3000 hosted a discussion with three key speakers on homelessness in the CBD on April 6 at the Kelvin Club.
Getting to the heart of the city
April 29th, 2017
The most popular reason that people choose to live in the CBD is its variety and closeness to social and cultural activities.
Eyes wide open …
As you walk around this beautiful city what do you see? What do you enjoy?
Trees culled for construction
March 29th, 2017
Up to six trees along Exhibition and LaTrobe streets have been, or are in the process of being removed for tower construction.
You live here? How well do you know your city?
Residents 3000 work closely with City Precinct, an active networking group comprising many of the city’s most innovative and interesting small businesses.
Residents 3000 look forward to 2017
Residents 3000 has an active year planned continuing to develop community awareness of Melbourne’s wonders plus the issues that we need to address to keep liveability to a high standard.
Third party rights back in spotlight
27th January, 2017
Third party planning notification and appeal rights for CBD residents are back on the agenda.
Residents endorse city safety initiative
Victoria Police recently launched an innovative advice package to help residents keep themselves and their buildings safe in the city.
Our building has worms …
What did you say? The Hero apartment building in Russell St has installed a communal worm farm to reduce general waste and to provide compost for residents’ gardens.
Award for apartment safety project
October 22nd, 2016
Residents 3000 president John Dall’Amico and Leading Sen-Constable Glenn McFarlane have together created a new security assessment program for apartment buildings.
Story behind the donkeys …
If you have not yet noticed, go out onto the corner of Russell and Little Collins streets and, standing outside The Crafty Squire (carefully please!), look east and upwards at the Hero Apartments building. There you will see an art creation that has been named “Quicksilver Sentinels”.
Melbourne – the Most Liveable City 2016
If you are a Melburnian, you have probably heard the catch phrase – “Melbourne is the World’s Most Liveable City”.
Participatory democracy – Future Melbourne Plan 2026
Imagine Melbourne in 2026 – what do you see?
What can we do about homelessness?
This is a complex issue. This article is meant to provide an overview.
What if there was another way?
The Melbourne Metro Rail project, when completed, will transform the way that we move around the city of Melbourne and beyond. Travelling will be easier, faster once the proposed rail network is finished in 2026.
Noise, noise, noise – how to solve ….
You live in the city? There is going to be noise but you can cope?
Residents meet local MPs
June 30th, 2016
CBD residents spent an evening with their local state and federal MPs last month, and ticked off the usual list of issues.
Passionate defence of amenity
May 26th, 2016
Like many other CBD residents, Rafael Camillo has a love/hate relationship with the city.
Snap Send Solve – the app for incident reporting explained
All it takes is a keen eye, a little caring and a smart phone.
Why should I join Residents 3000?
If you live in Melbourne’s vibrant CBD and you would like to feel part of a “big village” community, then become a member of Residents 3000.
Even more in love with Melbourne’s CBD
March 7th, 2016
Local real estate agency Hocking Stuart conducted the survey on behalf of Residents 3000.
As reported in last month’s CBD News, respondents to the survey said they most loved the lifestyle that CBD living offered. Noise, was the most frequent complaint.
Living in the CBD and liveability
March 5th, 2016
February’s issue of ‘CBD News’ highlighted both that residents love CBD living and that they increasingly want to sustain the conditions that attracted us here in the first place.
Solar power in the city
Investing in solar is a major trend with one in seven home owners across the country installing solar panels on their roof to save on power bills and at the same time “save the planet” by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Lifestyle rules in the CBD
February 3rd, 2016
It’s official: People love living in the CBD because of its lifestyle, but hate the noise.
Short-stays are here to stay
July 29th, 2015
Residents 3000 president John Dall’Amico said the best response for CBD residents was to be aware of the increased security and safety risks.
City car parks are a criminal’s smorgasbord
July 5th, 2015
According to CBD police, some criminals are making a career of stealing from apartment complex car parks.
Practical training for building security auditors
June 5th, 2015
Local CBD residents participated in an on-site building security audit last month, in a bid to expand the service to more towers.
Explore your neighbourhood
June 5th, 2015
CBD residents will soon be able to play tourist in their own neighbourhood by participating in walking tours of the city.
Crime prevention training for residents
April 29th, 2015
Local residents are stepping forward to learn how to keep apartment complexes safe.
Security audit an ‘eye-opener’
March 31st, 2015
A security assessment of a CBD apartment block by Residents 3000 has revealed a substantial list of potential safety and security improvements.
Fiona is reaping the rewards of advocacy
March 31st, 2015
According to long-term resident Fiona McLeod, CBD living is so good, it is worth fighting for.
As convenor of the Hardware Precinct Residents and Tenants Association she has dedicated countless hours working with locals battling various challenges to the liveability of the precinct.
Beware of tailgaters
March 2015
Local police are warning about brazen thieves who are tailgating to access secure carparking in the CBD.
Safety campaign for CBD residents
February 2015
CBD News is joining Residents 3000 in a campaign during 2015 to make city living more secure.
Residents find voice on planning
December 1st, 2014
As the city population swells, CBD residents are beginning to find voice on development.
Nightly truck procession to continue
October 22nd, 2014
Sleep-deprived CBD residents were offered little hope of respite from the hundreds of nightly trucks movements when the City of Melbourne discussed waste management last month.
Unleash the CBD hounds
August 2014, Issue 1
An increasing CBD population has resulted in hundreds of dogs living in the Hoddle Grid, but there is currently nowhere close by for them to run free off-the-leash.