Residents 3000 are pleased to invite you to our next Forum 3000, which will be held at the Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street) on Thursday, 6th July 2023 at 6:00pm.
The event provides you with the opportunity to find out about the City of Melbourne community development plans.
Joining us to present will be:
- Elliot Anderson – Acting Director, Community Development, City of Melbourne
- Michelle James – Manager, Neighbourhoods, Community Development, City of Melbourne
Michelle has recently stepped into the Neighbourhoods Manager role after being our CBD Neighbourhood Partner for the past six years. Elliot and Michelle will provide an update on the activities of the Community Development branch, including the Neighbourhood Planning Framework, and the CBD Neighbourhood Portal.
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the progress on neighbourhood priorities within the CBD, and to introduce our new Neighbourhood Partner for Community Development at the City of Melbourne.
The registration table opens at 6:00pm, the guest presentations start at 6:30pm.
Finger food will be served at the event. Drinks available from the Kelvin Club bar.
The details of the event are:
DATE: Thursday, 6th July 2023
TIME: 6:00pm for 6:30pm start
VENUE: Kelvin Club, 14-20 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street), Melbourne 3000
The event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $30 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!
Membership of $30 per person is for the financial year and will cover through to the end of June next year.