The City Council controls most development in the CBD. Those wishing to construct or change buildings, erect signage or change anything that affects “streetscape” must apply for a permit. If you wish to change any external feature of your apartment (such as erecting a pergola or enclosing a balcony), you will need, firstly, the consent of your Owners Corporation.Then you will need to make a permit application to the City of Melbourne. Following procedures can avoid many a heartache. If you are aware of any planned developments in your area, consider them carefully – you can see the file of any application at the City Council Development Planning Branch.
- All developments over 25,000 sq. feet go to the Minister at the Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) and by-pass the Council. This is a great pity as we residents do not have any right to object.
- Heritage is concernedly under threat as developers seek to disregard overlays. Queen Victoria Market is the subject of local dismay being both prime real estate and having high heritage significance.
- The historic Job Warehouse has also been the target of developers seeking to gain a late night liquor licence at the expense of general amenity and quality of life in the Bourke Hill area. Find further information on the development and how to express your concerns here.
- Residents can access City of Melbourne’s Planning Register Online for information on a specific permit application CoM Planning Register Online-20 . For any additional information contact (03) 9658 8692 at Town Hall.
- You can find further information on how to lodge planning objections with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation and the City of Melbourne here.
We are also consulted by the Council on many other plans and policies – eg Health Policy, Parks and Gardens, Laneways and so on. So stay in touch as we try to bring you the latest……