Below you can find attached a number of scientific and evidenced based papers from the peer reviewed academic literature that cover a range of topics related primarily to the effects of liquor license trading hours and venue density on alcohol related violence and other harms.
Please note, some of these papers are called “systematic reviews” which, next to randomised controlled trials, are one of the highest levels of research evidence available. Systematic reviews gather all relevant papers on a specific topic and summarise all the evidence. They are a one stop shop summary of scientific evidence, so to speak.
Also attached are further readings including a paper on how to measure density of alcohol outlets, and a paper on the effects of the 24 hour public transport system on the night economy in Melbourne
Licensed venue trading hours and alcohol related violence
- Systematic overview of Australian policing interventions to reduce alcohol related violence
- Hours and Days of Sale and Density of Alcohol Outlets: Impacts on Alcohol Consumption and Damage: A Systematic Review
- The effects of changes in the availability of alcohol on consumption, health and social problems
- Effects of restricting pub closing times on night-time assaults in an Australian city
- Impact of later trading hours for Australian public houses on levels of violence
- Impact of small changes in bar closing hours on violence: the Norwegian experience
- WHO: Preventing violence by reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol
Licensed venue density and alcohol related violence
- The effect of liquor licence concentrations in local areas on rates of assault in NSW
- Alcohol Outlet Density and Violence: The Role of Risky Retailers and Alcohol-Related Expenditures
- Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density: An Overview of Strategies for Public Health Practitioners
- The Effectiveness of Limiting Alcohol Outlet Density As a Means of Reducing Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Harms
- Do alcohol control policies work? An umbrella review and quality assessment of systematic reviews of alcohol control interventions (2006 – 2017)
- An observational study to examine how cumulative impact zones influence alcohol availability from different types of licensed outlets in an inner London Borough
- Using geocoded liquor licensing data in Victoria
- CDC Guide for measuring alcohol outlet density
Other papers of interest
- Alcohol-related crime in city entertainment precincts: Public perception and experience of alcohol-related crime and support for strategies to reduce such crime
- Designing drunkenness: How pubs, bars and nightclubs increase alcohol sales
- Off the rails—Evaluating the nightlife impact of Melbourne, Australia’s 24-h public transport trial