Kieser Collins Street and Residents 3000 Inc. would like to invite residents of Melbourne CBD to an online group exercise class.
Classes are hosted online by an exercise scientist at Kieser Collins Street, Eamon Wright every Friday at 3:00 pm.

Important Information:
Aim: Provide an opportunity for residents to participate in strength training online
When: Fridays at 3.00 pm
Duration: 45 minutes
Program: Designed by a qualified exercise scientist & physiotherapist
Equipment/Clothing: comfortable clothes, yoga mat or carpeted floor, seat, weights up to 5kg OR a shopping bag with 5kg worth of household items (not required but be inventive)
ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 969 3502 2352
Passcode: 1234
Ensure your exercise area is visible for our exercise scientist, Eamon, to review your technique and provide feedback
Contact person:
Contact Eamon Wright to receive the exercise list ahead of time and register your attendance !