You are invited to our next Forum 3000 – a Residents 3000 monthly event, which will be held on Thursday, 6th July 2017 at the Kelvin Club (14-20 Melbourne Place just off Russell Street). Registrations and pre-drinks start at 6.00pm and our guests presentations commence at 6.30pm.
This month we are pleased to welcome our guest – Melinda Clarke, the driving force behind the Melbourne Map project. The original Melbourne Map from 1990 was her brainchild after travelling around Europe and America and seeing the value of illustrated city drawings. Seeing the enormous changes in Melbourne over the past 27 years Melinda is now on a quest to bring the enormously popular image back to life including all the new infrastructure, buildings, sporting arenas, and parks. Furthermore, this new project is creating an exciting opportunity to marry the art with technology and produce an interactive app for mobile devices that will help Melbourne businesses share their information and events with Melbournians and its visitors. To find out more about the project and have a chance to ask Melinda any question about the Melbourne Map – be sure to come to our next event.
We will also have our Committee Member for Media & Marketing – Artur Hajda – discuss the results of the recent Residents 3000 Survey. He will tell us what the survey revealed about Melbourne city residents’ reasons for making Melbourne their home and what are their main likes and dislikes about living in the city.
We look forward to seeing you at this interesting event organised by Residents 3000. Refreshments will be served following the event. The Kelvin Club bar is available throughout for attendees enjoyment.
The event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $25 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!
This event is supported by East Enders and by Coalition of Resident and Business Associations CoRBA