Residents 3000 are pleased to invite you to our next Forum 3000, which will be held at the Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street) on Thursday, 5 October 2023, at 6:00pm.
We are pleased to welcome guest speakers: Dr Hugh Leslie from CBD Doctors Melbourne, Nick Nicolaidis from our sponsor, Kieser Collins Street, and Olivia Ng from the City of Melbourne, Community Wellbeing; who will each present on Growing Older and Living Well, covering Longevity & Lifespan Health, Exercise for Lifespan Health, and Exercise & Recreation in the CBD.
So, if you’re into healthy lifestyle, this is definitely not an event to be missed.
Our guest speakers:
Dr Hugh Leslie, CBD Doctors Melbourne: Dr Leslie is a University of Melbourne graduate with a specialist qualification in General Practice who enjoys dealing with the whole person in his practice and has a keen interest in working with people to improve lifespan and more importantly, healthspan. Dr Leslie believes that a combination of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and good mental health as well as medication and supplements can prevent or delay diseases of ageing such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia and cancer.
Nick Nicolaidis, Keiser Collins Street, Centre Leader & Physiotherapist: Nick is a University of Melbourne Graduate who has completed a Doctor of Physiotherapy and a Bachelor of Exercise Science. He believes strongly in treating the person beyond the acute injury – considering all factors that may be contributing to their presentation. Nick is passionate about improving the long-term health outcomes of his clients through the prescription of physical activity and has seen firsthand the impact of appropriate exercise interventions on his patients’ health and lifespan.
Olivia Ng, , Community Wellbeing, City of Melbourne: Olivia is the Coordinator of the Ageing & Inclusion Team. She brings experience in the health, community, and local government settings with a genuine interest in improving community outcomes around health and wellbeing.

The details of the event are:
Thursday, 5 October 2023
6:00pm for 6:30pm start
Kelvin Club, 14-20 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street), Melbourne 3000
The registration table opens at 6:00pm, the guest presentations start at 6:30pm.
Finger food will be served at the event. Drinks available from the Kelvin Club bar.
The event is free for current members. If your annual membership has lapsed, you are welcome to renew at $30 per person. Non-members are asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!
Membership is $30 per person, per financial year, and will cover through to the end of June next year.