Forum 3000 – Street Safety annual event – Police, VGCCC, and the City of Melbourne

Residents 3000 are pleased to invite you to our next Forum 3000, which will be held at the Kelvin Club (14-30 Melbourne Place) on Thursday, 1st June at 6:00pm.

Joining us for the event will be:

  • Dean Robertson | Director, City Safety, Security and Amenity – City of Melbourne
  • Dinah Tremain | Neighbourhood Policing Coordinator, Melbourne CBD – Victoria Police
  • Glenn McFarlane | Leading Senior Constable Crime Prevention Officer – Victoria Police
  • Dale Huntington | Inspector |Melbourne East Local Area Commander (Melbourne East & Southbank) – Victoria Police 
  • Melaine Gitsos | Team Leader Compliance – VGCCC
  • Gary Laidlaw – EPA Community Engagement Officer, Gary Laidlaw (TBC) 

If you are a resident or business in the city, and have some concerns or questions about citizen safety in the city, then this is an event you don’t want to miss!

Image source:

The registration table opens at 6:00pm, the guest presentations start at 6:30pm.
Finger food will be served at the event. Drinks available from the Kelvin Club bar. 

The details of the event are:

DATE:         Thursday, 1st June 2023

TIME:          6:00pm for 6:30pm start

VENUE:      Kelvin Club, 14-20 Melbourne, Melbourne 3000

The event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $25 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!