
Residents 3000 is a diverse community group of people living in the Central Business District (CBD) of Melbourne, the capital City of Victoria, Australia. The name derives from our postcode 3000.

The name of the incorporated association is RESIDENTS 3000 INC.

The purposes for which the proposed incorporated association is established are:

  • To represent and protect the interests of the residents of postcode 3000 within the City of Melbourne (City residents, City living, City life, the City).
  • To actively foster and promote the “living in the city” lifestyle.
  • To provide a focus for City residents in order to promote a sense of community.
  • To represent City residents to regulatory authorities.
  • To provide an arena for raising and solving residents legitimate concerns and frustrations.
  • To provide an organisation through which information can be disseminated on topics such as support services in the City, events and happenings in the City, and major changes and plans for the City.
  • To provide a strong, recognised lobby group through which the various authorities and agencies can be contacted on issues concerning City residents.
  • To promote the positive aspects of City living including the mixed use of the space and to protect the intrinsic nature of City life.
  • To encourage Council and developers to maintain and develop all types of City residential buildings including low-rent residential developments and areas.
  • To encourage services that cater for the needs of City residents.
  • To provide an organisation through which City residents may communicate with each other.
  • To organise social activities and functions.
  • To promote a support network amongst City residents.
  • To liaise with other special interest and commercial groups to improve City living.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSES – Tuesday, 16 March 1993